Sentient Jet Membership is an innovative program for private flight built on a unique business in private aviation with more flexibility, more value and more choice. The brand was growing without an identity. Only five or six real players were in the industry. So how does a growing brand take control of The integrated marketing strategy gave Sentient the lift it needed…its image? How does it become first in the market place? BrenesCo. created an integrated campaign rebranding Sentient as the Leader in private flight. Photography embraced the lifestyle of private travel. Collateral took an educational direction. Advertising spoke to what matters to travelers. Digital strategy included site redesign, micro sites, ads and keywords. Direct marketing offered unbeatable value exclusive for Sentient and American Express members. The integrated marketing strategy gave Sentient the lift it needed… Membership doubled to over 5000 members, a 200% growth rate. Profitable and growing rapidly, Sentient expanded its business through mergers and acquisitions. Today Sentient is a leader in private aviation.
Sentient Jet

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